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First Verse
You feel the hairs rising on your neck and skin
As darkness falls you feel the anger rage within
A piercing scream, echoes through the night
And in the distance you see a flash of Light
Pre chorus
Watch the skies Watch your back,
I’ll circle round for my attack.
Won’t see it comin, Til its all done
Nowhere to hide, nowhere to run
You feel the fire, you taste the flames upon my breath.
You come alive, when you feel so close to death
I’ll rise up high, spread my wings, cos now I’m free
I’ll break the chains, I’ll hold the reigns of destiny
This burning sky is like a window to my soul
Your charmed remains as my vengeance takes its toll
My Crimson eye reflects the  pain of many things,
Enter the Dragon to the fanfare of the Kings..
Second Verse
The prophecy forever warns
Don’t diss the snake that has no horns,
For who’s to say that come one day
It may recoil to unleash fire upon its pray
Pre chorus
Watch the skies,Watch your back,
As I circle round for my attack.
Won’t feel  it comin, Til its all done
Nowhere to hide, nowhere to run
You feel the fire, you taste the flames upon my breath.
You come alive, As you feel so close to death
I’ll rise up high, spread my wings, Cos now I’m free
I’ll break the chains, I’ll  hold the reigns of destiny
This burning sky is like a window to my soul
Your charmed remains as my vengeance takes its toll
My Crimson eye reflects the  pain of many things,
Enter the Dragon to the fanfare of the Kings….